Monday, December 18, 2017

My Mom's Aluminum Free Coffee Maker

Before purchasing a coffee maker write to the company and ask if the water comes in contact with aluminum.  Unfortunately manufactures change their manufacturing.  

Update August 2024: My wife Laurie has learned information from a company about aluminum may not be accurate.  

My 91 year old Mom has Alzheimer’s disease.  In an effort to slow and possibly reverse the decline of her short term memory and the progression of her Alzheimer’s disease, I have been helping Mom lower her ingestion of ionic aluminum.  Aluminum ions are neurotoxic, killing neurons and inhibiting the ability of neural networks in the brain to store memories.  

The 7 largest epidemiology studies of aluminum in drinking water concluded that there is a greater risk of Alzheimer’s disease when routinely drinking water or any beverage with greater than 100mcg per liter of ionic aluminum.  This data convinced the World Health Organization to set a 100mcg per liter maximum limit of aluminum in drinking water.

Before age 77 people with Alzheimer’s accumulate aluminum faster than normal, partially accounting for why some of them have early onset Alzheimer’s.  But all people older than 77 accumulate aluminum faster than normal accounting for why in the U.S. one in three people over 80 have Alzheimer’s.  Therefore it is preventative to remove daily sources of aluminum ions from the diet and drinking water of everyone and particularly the elderly.

Surprisingly one of mom’s daily sources of aluminum is her Black & Decker drip style coffee maker (Model 1050).  After removing the safety screws on the bottom of the coffee maker, I found a heated horseshoe shaped aluminum tube that heats all the water that flows from the reservoir to the carafe.  In the process of heating the water, the inside of the hot metallic aluminum corrodes adding neurotoxic aluminum ions to the resulting coffee. 

Bottom view of Black & Decker Model 1050W With Bottom Plate Removed

 In order to find how much aluminum was added to mom’s coffee by the Model 1050 coffee maker, I tested and compared the aluminum concentration in water both before being added to the coffee maker and after being heated and passed into the carafe. I found the amount of aluminum added by Mom’s coffee maker to be extremely disturbing because of Mom’s age and condition and because there are millions of these types of coffee makers being used every day to make aluminum-laced neurotoxic coffee.

As the coffee maker is used, aluminum on the inside of the tube corrodes by pitting, thereby increasing the rate of corrosion.  Also if the coffee maker is used with hard water, a calcium and magnesium carbonate scale forms on the inside of the heated aluminum tube.  This carbonate scale is porous and does not slow the rate of aluminum corrosion.  The B&D Model 1050 used for 1 year with hard water makes coffee with an aluminum level of 264% of the World Health Organization’s maximum level in drinking water. 

Fiji water contains 94ppm of silica. After a coffee maker is used with Fiji water for 1 year, a silica scale forms on the inside of the aluminum tube.  Silica scales are harder and less porous than carbonate scales and reduce the aluminum corrosion rate.  Descaling the B&D Model 1050 with 50% vinegar in water removes both carbonate and silica scales but results in the descaled coffee maker adding even more aluminum to the coffee.

Due to the high level of aluminum found with the used B&D Model 1050, my interest in coffee makers became a temporary obsession. With the help of family and friends I began collecting and testing any coffee maker I could find. As the word of my initial results spread, discarded coffee makers began showing up on my doorstep.  Shockingly I discovered that coffee contacts aluminum in almost all my family and friend’s coffee makers. 

Examples of these coffee makers include the Presto percolator that is all stainless except for a large aluminum nut that holds the heater in place. Also the Krups F253 that is advertised with a brass heating tube but after removing the security screws on the bottom I discovered an aluminum heating tube.  

I also tested the Krups F253 using a single pass with Fiji water and found the aluminum corrosion to be reduced by only 10% to 85mcg/liter.  This shows that the silica scale is slow to form.

After finding such shockingly high aluminum levels in used coffee makers, my goal became trying to find for Mom an electric coffee maker in which the coffee never contacts aluminum.    Just because the manufacturer calls their product a “stainless steel coffee maker” does not mean the coffee never contacts aluminum.  The Jura Capresso MG900 is the only coffee maker found so far that states on the box “coffee never contacts aluminum”.  After much research on the internet and contacting coffee maker manufacturers the following coffee makers were obtained, tested, and found to not add aluminum to coffee:

Any Bunn coffee maker that has an internal stainless steel tank is fine.

Mom used the Krups Moka Brew for several months but ultimately found the carafe to be too hard to unlatch because of her arthritis. Now she uses the BUNN Speed Brew and likes its ease of use.  Both Mom and Dad have said the aluminum-free coffee tastes better than the aluminum-laced coffee.  This is not surprising as many people do not like the metallic taste of aluminum.  What makes me happy is that both Mom and Dad have reduced their aluminum ion ingestion by switching to a coffee maker in which the coffee never contacts aluminum.  This was an important step in reversing the decline of Mom’s short term memory. 

video on coffee makers

Video is made by Dennis 

Here are aluminum free coffee makers:

Updated August 2024 by Laurie Adamson

It is more challenging to find an aluminum free coffee maker.  Ones Dennis tested have been taken off the market.  

Drip Style :

Bunn Speed/Velocity Brew

Percolator: Faberware FCP 240-A (small), Faberware FCP 412 (large)

COLETTI Bozeman Camping Coffee Pot – Coffee Percolator – Percolator Coffee Pot for Campfire or Stove Top Coffee Making – 9 CUP

It appears Keurig has stopped making aluminum free coffee makers. 
Nespresso Type C110 (the aluminum cups have been tested and they are safe) 
If you would like to learn more about other sources of aluminum and other lifestyle choices which will improve cognitive functioning buy Dennis books.  

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Silica Water Recipe for Making Homemade Dissolved Silica

                                                                 SILICADE RECIPE


Aluminum is a neurotoxin which is the cause of Alzheimer's and Autism.  Silica has been shown to prevent Alzheimer's as silica binds with Aluminum so it can be removed from your body.  

This recipe is in my books:

Prevent Alzheimer's, Autism and Stroke with 7 Supplements, 7 Lifestyle Choices and a Dissolved Mineral

Silica Water the Secret of Healthy Blue Zone Longevity in the Aluminum Age.  

The books are available on Amazon. Buy books

Video -How to make your own silica water

Recipe for 'Silicade' water (silicon 36.5 mg/L) which has about the same amount of silica as Fiji water (silicon 36.5 mg/L).  This will take 15 minutes to prepare.


If you live outside the United States here is a company that will give you a US address and ship the products to your country.  The company sends to 220 countries.

Measuring spoon - dash, smidgen, pinch - Mini Measuring Spoons Set Heavy Duty Stainless Steel Measuring Spoons for Dry or Liquid Ingredients, Fits in Spice Jar - available on amazon

Brand: YellRin


Do not use antique dash and smidgen measuring spoons as they may not be correctly calibrated.  

Excerpt from Dennis' book Prevent Alzheimer's, Autism and Stroke and Silica Water the Secret to Healthy Blue Zone Longevity in the Aluminum Age

Preparation of Silicade

Silicade as a Synthetic OSA Rich Silica Water Supplement

Making silicon rich water weekly at home is easy and much less expensive and more sustainable than purchasing water bottled in Fiji or Malaysia.  I call this water “Silicade” and there is a You Tube Video on how to make it at “Silica Water – How to Make it at Home”. Silicade provides 124ppm of dissolved silica to lower your body-burden of aluminum. Silicade preparation requires only two ingredients and a set of small measuring spoons that in the U.S.A. can be purchased online and shipped to your home.  Silicade can be stored indefinitely in the dark like Fiji water.  The chemicals to make Silicade store well and should be kept out of children’s reach:
·         Low Alkalinity Hydrous Sodium Silicate: a hydrous powder available online from The powder is safer and easier to measure than the liquid form but has the same ratio of 3.22 SiO2 to Na2O. The powder has a as a purity of 99.5% and a formula of SiO2[Na2O]1/3.22 H2O (18.5% water) Mw of 97.25. Only order “sodium silicate – low alkalinity”. Do not order “sodium silicate – alkaline” from the or  This powdery chemical can be stored indefinitely in its screw-cap plastic container but slowly clumps. The clumps are easily converted back to powder with a small mortar and pestle.
Note: This solid sodium silicate from the Chemical Store is Product G manufactured by the PQ Corporation of Valley Forge, PA. Brenntag Specialties (Telephone No. 888-926-4151) buys Product G from PQ Corporation and resells it worldwide as G Sodium Silicate product number 387721 in 50 pound bags. and buy this product from Brenntag Specialties and sell it in 2 pound containers online. 

·         Sodium Bisulfate (a.k.a. Sodium Hydrogen Sulfate): a white powder 99.5% pure of micro-prills (i.e. very small pellets) from Professor Fullwood of LoudWolf Ltd. is available from Amazon.  Note: both optional calcium chloride and magnesium chloride are available from the same source.
·         Mini Measuring Spoon Set: Norpro 3061D from Dine Company Online. Currently priced under $4 without shipping. Three measuring spoons come attached to a single ring. Only the dash (1/8 of a teaspoon) and smidgen (1/32 of a teaspoon) are used for Silicade preparation. In order to avoid accidental use of the wrong measuring spoon, remove the pinch from the ring. Note: in the early 2000’s some companies, such as Norpro and Dine, began defining and accurately calibrating the dash and smidgen measuring spoons as precise fractions of a teaspoon. Do not use antique dash and smidgen measuring spoons as they may not be correctly calibrated. 
·         Spatula: Any small spatula with a straight-edge works to level the contents of the measuring spoons prior to addition.
Detailed Instructions with Options for Making Silicade
By following these detailed instructions you can prepare a gallon of Silicade or just follow the “Short Recipe for Silicade” that follows after these detailed instructions:
1)      A level dash and two level smidgens (3/16 of a teaspoon, 600mg) of hydrous powdered sodium silicate is placed in a Pyrex glass measuring cup. Add 1/8 cup of tap water and bring to boiling in the microwave or on the stove, and let boil for 30sec. This powder contains 99.5% water soluble sodium silicate monohydrate and a maximum of 0.5% of water insoluble materials, as required by the American Waterworks Standard B104-98 for adding sodium silicate to drinking water23.
Note: Do not heat to boiling more than 1/8 cup of tap water as more water will lower the pH making the sodium silicate less soluble.

2)      The hot water with dissolved sodium silicate is immediately diluted to one gallon (3.785 liters) with cold tap water resulting in a 1.29 mM/liter (124ppm) solution of pH 9.8 OSA.

3)      One level dash (1/8 of a teaspoon, 0.83 gr, 6.9 mM) of sodium bisulfate is added to the solution of OSA and dissolved with stirring in order to acidify the solution to pH 4 to 5. Optionally, if tap water is more basic than pH 8.5, use a pH meter while slowly adding a little more sodium bisulfate in order to lower the pH to 4.0-5.0. A pH 7.0 standard solution is recommended for periodic calibration of the pH meter.

4)      The clear colorless acidic solution of OSA is further purified by filtering through a Brita pitcher style filter resulting in OSA at a pH of 4.4. This removes impurities added with sodium silicate and sodium bisulfate.

5)      Two level smidgens of sodium bicarbonate (a.k.a. baking soda) are added and dissolved with stirring in the gallon of filtered OSA, resulting in Silicade with a pH of 6.5, a TDS of 285 at 25oC, and less than 2mcg/L labile aluminum.  Each quart of Silicade contains 36.5mg of dissolved silicon as 124ppm of monomeric (OSA).

6)      Optionally make Silicade Plus Calcium, if tap water is low in calcium, add two level dashes of calcium chloride flakes or prills (840mg 36% calcium) 99% pure from Loudwolf/Amazon. This will increase the calcium level by 80 ppm, the TDS to 450 at 25oC, and the pH to 6.6 in a gallon of Silicade + Ca. Labile aluminum in calcium enriched Silicade is less than 2mcg/L. Calcium at concentrations greater than or equal to 75ppm have a significant protective effect on cognition433.  Optionally in order to increase magnesium by 20ppm add a dash of magnesium chloride hexahydrate (>98% purity) from LoudWolf/Amazon. Optionally make Sparkling Silicade – Carbonating Silicade will result in a pH 4.5 sparkling beverage.

Drink 3 to 4 cups of Silicade a day around meal times in order to provide a total of 25.5 to 34mg of silicon as monomeric OSA. This is 7.7 to 10.3 times the 3.3mg of silicon that when consumed as OSA per day was observed to lower the frequency of AD118.  Silicade contains 124ppm of OSA and in the U.S.A. 160ppm of OSA (i.e. 100ppm of SiO2) is generally recognized as safe in drinking water22.  

Short Recipe for Silicade
Ingredients needed:

·         Sodium Silicate
·         Sodium Bisulfate
·         Baking Soda (sodium bicarbonate)

Tools needed:

·         Dash measuring spoon = 1/8 tsp
·         Smidgen measuring spoon = 1/32 tsp
·         1 cup Pyrex measuring cup
·         1 gallon measuring container
·         Brita filter -  pitcher style
·         Spatula for leveling
·         Stirring utensil


1.      Add 1 level dash & 2 level smidgens of sodium silicate to a one-cup Pyrex container

2.      Add 1/8 cup of tap water to the one-cup Pyrex measuring container

3.      Heat the contents of the Pyrex measuring cup to boiling and boil for at least 30 seconds

4.      Dilute immediately with a small amount of unheated tap water

5.      Pour all the contents of the Pyrex measuring cup into a 1 gallon container

6.      Fill the 1 gallon container with unheated tap water to the 1 gallon mark on the container

7.      Add 1 level dash of sodium bisulfate to the one gallon container

8.      Stir the mixture thoroughly and then filter the mixture through a Brita filter pitcher

9.      After filtering, add 2 level smidgens of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) to the mixture

10.  Stir Silicade to dissolve the baking soda

11.  Enjoy the health benefits of drinking Silicade!

Silicade can be stored indefinitely in the dark at room temperature or in a refrigerator.
Why This Recipe Works
The goal of this recipe for orthosilicic acid (OSA) in drinking water is to use an easily measured solid silica powder and an acidic microprill that are commercially available online and shipped to anyone, not just chemical laboratories. Both of these chemicals are high purity (e.g. 99.5%). 
·         Solubilize sodium silicate: Boiling powdered sodium silicate for 30 seconds in an eighth of a cup of tap water keeps the pH high enough (e.g. pH = 13) to solubilize silicate434-436.
·         Neutralize to form OSA and prevent polymerization: In order to form OSA and other silica species in equilibrium with OSA489 and to prevent OSA polymerization435-437, immediately dilute the basic (e.g. pH=13) OSA solution to a gallon with tap water and then immediately render the solution non-hazardous by acidifying the solution to pH 4 to 5 with the solid acid sodium bisulfate. A 1.29mM OSA solution is well below OSA’s saturation level in water (e.g. 2-3mM) but requires 7 days to fully stabilize rising from 108ppm immediately after preparation to 124ppm174. Polymerization of OSA has been observed at neutral pH only well above OSA’s 200ppm saturation level435-437.
·         Remove Aluminum: For optimal aluminum removal acidify the OSA solution with sodium bisulfate to pH 4.0 to 5.0 and then filter through a Brita pitcher style filter (OB03)174. A significant portion (e.g. 98.5%) of the labile aluminum introduced in tap water is removed174,175.  This Brita filter is a combined activated carbon and weak cation exchange resin that removes cations like aluminum but does not remove OSA174.  If the tap water used for Silicade is between pH 6.5 to 8.5, as per EPA’s secondary drinking water standard, then after acidification, filtration, and bicarbonate addition Silicade will be pH 6.5. 
·         Optionally add Calcium and/or Magnesium: Have your tap water checked and if it is low in calcium and/or magnesium, add supplemental calcium and/or magnesium to Silicade. The Brita filter reduces calcium and magnesium in Quabbin tap water by one half175. Drinking water with calcium at levels of 80mg and magnesium at levels of 20 ppm has been found to be optimal for good health438.  This may be due to calcium and magnesium competing with aluminum for absorption by the gut433.  Calcium catalyzes the polymerization of OSA but only at pH greater than 818,19.  Silicade + Ca is pH 6.6 and at this pH OSA in Silicade + Ca is primarily a non-polymeric monomer174,439.  

Link to FAQ about making the recipe FAQ Silicade


Friday, July 28, 2017

Recent evidence linking Aluminum and Alzheiemer's Disease

Article from University News - (the links will not work )   

7 Pieces of Evidence Linking Aluminum and Alzheimer’s Disease

7 Pieces of Evidence Linking Aluminum and Alzheimer’s DiseaseAluminum is a neurotoxin, that is, a poison to the brain and nervous system. Some experts have long speculated that this metal plays a role in Alzheimer’s disease, and evidence is steadily mounting that it indeed does. Fortunately, there’s also evidence that suggests that a number of natural plant extracts and nutrients can prevent and/or reduce aluminum toxicity in the brain and prevent the progression of memory loss and other cognitive deficits.


The evidence linking aluminum and Alzheimer’s disease

A team of neuroscientists led by Dr. Walter Lukiw, PhD, Professor of Neurology, Neuroscience and Ophthalmology at Louisiana State University, has been studying the potential contribution of aluminum to the onset, development and progression of Alzheimer’s disease for about 30 years. Dr. Lukiw and his fellow researchers recently summarized the research linking aluminum and Alzheimer’s disease in a peer-reviewed article published in Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience.[1]
“Aluminum’s contribution to Alzheimer’s disease is based upon at least seven independently derived observations,” the researchers stated.[2]  Briefly, those seven pieces of evidence are:
  1. Aluminum strongly promotes beta-amyloid plaques in the brain at levels corresponding to those currently found in humans.
  2. Aluminum promotes inflammation in the brain by increasing the pro-inflammatory molecule known as nuclear factor kappa beta (NF-kB), a prominent feature in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s disease.
  3. Out of the many thousands of brain gene messenger RNA molecules (molecules that convey genetic information from DNA to cause gene expression), aluminum increases the same ones that are increased in Alzheimer’s disease.
  4. Adding aluminum to the diets of animals with Alzheimer’s disease causes additional brain changes associated with Alzheimer’s disease such oxidative stress, programmed cell death, and deficits in gene expression.
  5. Aluminum also causes the same types of cellular energy deficits that are associated with Alzheimer’s disease, such as impaired signaling involving ATP and energy utilization.
  6. A very significant number of studies link the amount of aluminum in drinking water to the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease. (Worldwide, aluminum is added to drinking water as a clarification or “finishing” agent.)
  7. Out of all the Alzheimer’s disease drug treatments tried to date, chelation using an aluminum chelator has been shown to be one of the most effective therapeutic strategies yet.

Digging deeper: what animal studies have found

There is no ethically acceptable way to directly test whether aluminum causes Alzheimer’s disease in humans. Because it’s not ethical to dose humans with aluminum, researchers must rely on other scientific methods of investigation to determine aluminum’s role in this devastating disease. One way to do this is through animal studies.
It is now well-established that aluminum directly causes Alzheimer’s-like memory impairment, behavioral problems, and learning deficits in animals, even in very low doses.[2-5] For instance, rats that consume aluminum in amounts equivalent to those ingested by Americans from their food and water develop severe Alzheimer’s-type cognitive deterioration in old age.[5]
Animals exposed to aluminum don’t just develop Alzheimer’s-like symptoms, they also show definitive evidence of Alzheimer’s disease in their brains.
  • Aluminum accumulates in the brain cells of particular regions of the brain most prone to damage in Alzheimer’s disease.[6]
  • Many studies have demonstrated how aluminum causes beta-amyloid plaques to abnormally form in the brains of animals.[2,7-10] These plaques, the hallmark features of Alzheimer’s disease, form when pieces of sticky proteins called beta-amyloid clump together and block cell-to-cell signaling at synapses. They also activate immune system cells that trigger inflammation and devour disabled cells. Aluminum-induced beta-amyloid plaques occur in exactly the same brain regions in animals as they do in humans.
  • Third, another brain change consistent with Alzheimer’s disease also occurs in animals exposed to aluminum: the formation of what are known as neurofibrillary tangles.[6, 10-12] Neurofibrillary tangles are abnormal collections of twisted protein threads found inside nerve cells that consist primarily of a protein called tau. Like beta-amyloid plaques, neurofibrillary tangles damage the ability of neurons to communicate with each other and are a hallmark feature of Alzheimer’s disease.

Prominent Researchers speak out

Different teams of researchers from all over the world have recently published papers outlining the convincing evidence from both human and animal studies and warning of the dangers of aluminum as a cause of Alzheimer’s disease.[10, 12-15]
It is enlightening to learn what some of these experts have to say about aluminum and Alzheimer’s disease in their own words.
  • “Overall, the evidence indicates that Alzheimer’s disease is a human form of chronic aluminum neurotoxicity.” J.R. Walton, Faculty of Medicine, University of New South Wales, St George Hospital, Sydney, Australia[12]
  • “…studies suggest that aluminum may not be as innocuous as was previously thought and that aluminum may actively promote the onset and progression of Alzheimer’s disease.” Stephen Bondy, Environmental Toxicology Program, Center for Occupational and Environmental Health, Department of Medicine, University of California, Irvine, CA[16]
  •  “The hypothesis that aluminum significantly contributes to Alzheimer’s disease is built upon very solid experimental evidence and should not be dismissed. Immediate steps should be taken to lessen human exposure to aluminum…” Lucija Tomljenovic, PhD., University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada[14]
  • “There is growing evidence for a link between aluminum and Alzheimer’s disease… it is widely accepted that aluminum is a recognized neurotoxin, and that it could cause cognitive deficiency and dementia…” Masahiro Kawahara, Department of Analytical Chemistry, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyushu University of Health and Welfare, Japan[10]
  • “As scientific publications continue to support the hypothesis that aluminum toxicity is involved in Alzheimer’s disease, it would be prudent to adopt strategies for preventing excessive aluminum exposures…” Maire Percy, PhD, University of Toronto, Canada.[18]

The case of the Alzheimer’s patient and the aluminum in his brain

Another of the world’s preeminent researchers studying aluminum’s negative health effects is Dr. Christopher Exley, PhD, of Keele University in the United Kingdom. Dr. Exley and his team have found that aluminum appears to accumulate in the brain with age.[15] Their most recent research demonstrates that many people over the age of 70 have a potentially pathological amount of aluminum accumulated in their brains.[15]
Dr. Exley and his colleagues were recently the first to demonstrate significantly elevated brain aluminum levels in an individual diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease following occupational exposure to aluminum.[17] Occupational exposure to aluminum is directly associated with impaired cognitive function; the more aluminum to which people are exposed, the poorer they perform on tests for memory and other cognitive functions.
The case presented by Dr. Exley involved a previously healthy man who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease at age 58, after more than eight years of regular exposure to aluminum sulfate dust. At first, the man complained of headaches, tiredness, and mouth ulcers. He then started to show memory problems and began suffering from depression before he was finally diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.
After his death in 2011, his brain’s cerebral cortex was found to have abundant beta-amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles, consistent with advanced Alzheimer’s disease. At the request of his family and the local coroner, samples of the man’s brain tissue were sent to Dr. Exley for analysis of aluminum. According to Dr. Exley, it is extremely rare to be given as much brain tissue as was provided for analysis, and the opportunity enabled the most thorough analysis of a brain region’s aluminum content ever undertaken.
The data confirmed the accumulation of aluminum in the man’s brain tissue. In some samples from the frontal lobe, the aluminum levels were excessive and high enough to cause disease. While Dr. Exley’s data cannot prove that aluminum caused the man’s aggressive Alzheimer’s disease, he states that it is highly likely given the known neurotoxicity of aluminum.[17]

How to reduce your risk of aluminum-induced Alzheimer’s disease

With the growing evidence linking aluminum and Alzheimer’s disease, we all need to personally take steps now to reduce our exposure to this ubiquitous metal. Part 1 of this series, Does Antiperspirant Cause Cancer? Here’s Why You Should Be Concerned About Aluminum Toxicity, provided information on common sources of aluminum exposure, along with ideas on how to avoid it.
But what about the aluminum that is already lodged in our bodies? Fortunately, researchers have discovered that a number of natural compounds can reduce the body’s burden of aluminum and prevent or treat its toxic effects. In 8 Ways to Protect Yourself from Aluminum Poisoning, I will examine the many ways we can safely and naturally deal with aluminum toxicity.

Here is a recipe for making silica water at home.  Silica water is very effective at reducing your bodies burden of aluminum.

[1] Front Aging Neurosci. 2014 Apr 8;6:62.
[2] Arch Toxicol. 2009 Nov;83(11):965-78.
[3] Exp Neurol. 2008 Dec;214(2):293-300.
[4] Curr Alzheimer Res. 2010 Aug;7(5):401-8.
[5]  Int J Alzheimers Dis. 2012;2012:914947.
[6] J Inorg Biochem. 2007 Sep;101(9):1275-84.
[7] Neurochem Res. 2014 May 3. [published electronically ahead of print]
[8] Histol Histopathol. 2008 Apr;23(4):433-9.
[9] Neurochem Res. 2014 May 3. [Epub ahead of print]
[10] Int J Alzheimers Dis. 2011 Mar 8;2011:276393.
[11] Brain Pathol. 2013 Nov;23(6):633-44.
[12] J Alzheimers Dis. 2014 Jan 1;40(4):765-838.
[13] Neurotoxicology. 2010 Sep;31(5):575-81.
[14]  J Alzheimers Dis. 2011;23(4):567-98.
[15] Expert Rev Neurother. 2014 Jun;14(6):589-91.
[16] Toxicology. 2014 Jan 6;315:1-7.
[17] J Med Case Rep. 2014; 8: 41.
[18] J Inorg Biochem. Nov 2011; 105(11): 1505–1512.