Monday, November 26, 2018

Aluminum Myth Busting

Aluminum is a known neurotoxin
that is added to drinking water, pharmaceuticals, vaccines, and food, such as colored candy and baked goods. In order to convince people that these products are safe, consumers have been told to blindly believe the following aluminum myths:
·         Aluminum compounds are inert or insoluble preventing entry into the body
·         Any aluminum that does get into the body is immediately excreted
·         Any aluminum that is not excreted is deposited in biologically inert stores such as bone
All of these myths have been scientifically disproven but they are not forgotten as they continue to be repeated by the aluminum industry, Alzheimer’s Association, and medical profession.
In 1996 it was discovered that rats of all ages accumulate aluminum in their bodies from their drinking water1. In 1998 this accumulated aluminum was found in five organs (e.g. brain, bone, kidney, liver, spleen) and six lobes of the brain (e.g. cortex, hippocampus, striatum, cerebellum, thalamus, olfactory bulb). In addition, aluminum was found to not be inert but is mobile by continuously diffusing in the body from places of high concentration to places of low concentration. Because of aluminum’s diffusivity it is partially removed (58-79%) from all organs of the body, including bones and all six lobes of the brain, by administering OSA rich silica water every five days over a period of 5 weeks2.
Some of these observations with rats have also been shown to be the case for humans. OSA rich silica water facilitates the elimination of aluminum in urine and perspiration3,4. It has also been found that some people are “Super Aluminum Absorbers”.  These people have more aluminum in their brain than normal and include those with sporadic5 and familial Alzheimer’s6, autism7, multiple sclerosis8, and Parkinson’s9-11.  For more details see “Silica water the Secret of Healthy Blue Zone Longevity in the Aluminum Age” by Dennis N. Crouse12.
After drinking silica water, OSA is absorbed into the blood and carried by the blood to kidney and sweat gland lumens. The pH of blood is 7.4, urine is 6.5-8.0, and at high rates of perspiration, as seen while exercising, the pH of sweat is near neutrality (e.g. pH 7)13. OSA reacts with aluminum above pH 5.5 forming a non-toxic chemical called HAS14.  This reaction lowers the concentration of aluminum in blood and kidney and sweat gland lumens. This lower aluminum concentration favors more aluminum diffusing from places of higher concentration into the blood and these lumens for reaction with OSA.  Thereby OSA detoxifies aluminum and facilitates its elimination as HAS in the urine and perspiration.
Unlike chelators that can remove many different ions from the body, OSA very specifically removes just aluminum. An example of its specificity is that OSA does not facilitate the elimination of iron, even though iron is of similar size and ionic charge compared to aluminum5. Also unlike chelators that reversibly complex with many types of ions, OSA is only known to react with aluminum to irreversibly form HAS that is stable above pH 5.5.   
In conclusion the aluminum myths have been busted by scientific research and we can now say the following three facts have been proven to be true:
·         Aluminum ions and some aluminum compounds enter our bodies from ingested water, food, and pharmaceuticals by being absorbed from the gut into the blood. In addition, aluminum ions and compounds enter our bodies from injected vaccines.  
·         This ingested and injected aluminum accumulates in our organs and is a causal factor of Alzheimer’s, autism, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, and some cancers.
·         Accumulated aluminum is primarily non-inert as by drinking OSA most of the accumulated aluminum diffuses from all organs, including bones, into the blood, urine inside kidney lumen, and sweat inside sweat gland lumens. In these lumens OSA reacts with aluminum to form non-toxic HAS followed by excretion in urine and perspiration.
For more details see “Prevent Alzheimer’s, Autism, and Stroke with 7 Supplements, 7 Lifestyle Choices, and a Dissolved Mineral” by Dennis N. Crouse15.

Here is a link to my book

My wife Laurie Adamson has set up a Facebook group Alzheimer's: Late and Early Onset, APOE4
1.      Domingo, L., et al.; Age related effects of aluminum ingestion on brain aluminum accumulation and behavior in rats; Life Sci.; 58(17):1387-95 (1996)
2.      Belles, M., et al.; Silicon reduces aluminum accumulation in rats: Relevance to the aluminum hypothesis of Alzheimer’s disease; Alzheimer Disease Associated Disorders; 12(2):83-87 (1998)
3.      Exley, C., et al.; Non-invasive therapy to reduce the body burden of aluminum in Alzheimer’s disease; J. Alzheimer’s Disease; 10:17-24 (2006)
4.      Minshal, C., et al.; Aluminum in human sweat; J. Trace elem. Med. Biol.; 28:87-88 (2014)
5.      Andrasi, E., et al.; Brain Al, Mg, and P contents of control and Alzheimer-diseased patients; J. Alzheimer’s Dis.; 7:273-84 (2005)
6.      Mirza, A., et al.; Aluminum in brain tissue in familial Alzheimer’s disease; J. Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology; Mar.; 40:30-36 (2017)
7.      Mold, M., et al.; Aluminum in brain tissue in autism; J. Trace Elements in Med. Biol.; March; 46:76-82 (2018)
8.      Mold, M., et al.; Aluminium in brain tissue in multiple sclerosis; Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health; 15(8):1777 (2018) Including supplementary material p1-6 (2018)
9.      Hirsch, E.C., et al.; Iron and aluminum increase in the substantia nigra of patients with Parkinson’s disease: an X-ray microanalysis; J. Neurochem.; Feb.; 56(2):446-51 (1991)
10.  Good, P.F., et al.; Neuromelanin-containing neurons of the substantia nigra accumulate iron and aluminum in Parkinson’s disease: a LAMMA study; Oct.; 593(2):343-6 (1992)
11.  Fitzgerald, K., Lead (aluminum) and homocysteine levels in a series of individuals diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease:  (2014)
12.  Crouse, D.N.; Silica water the secret of blue zone longevity in the aluminum age; Etiological Publishing (2018) – Available from Amazon
13.  Sonner, Z., et al.; The microfluidics of the eccrine sweat glands, including biomarker partitioning, transport, and biosensing implications; Biomicrofluidics; 9(031301):1-19 (2015) for pH of sweat while exercising see page 10 section D on ammonia in sweat.
14.  Beardmore, J., et al.; What is the mechanism of formation of hydoxyaluminosilicates?; Scientific Reports; 6:30913 (2016)
15.  Crouse, D.N.; Prevent Alzheimer’s, autism, and stroke with 7 supplements, 7 lifestyle choices, and a dissolved mineral; Etiological Publishing (2016) – Available from Amazon