To learn more about the neurotoxic effects of Aluminum on your body and how drinking Silica Rich Mineral Water is effective at removing aluminum from your body you can read my books.
Dennis N Crouse has a PhD in chemistry from Harvard University.
Safety of
Clinoptilolite Zeolite Nanoparticles
Drinking OSA rich silica water has been shown in scientific
studies to facilitate the elimination of aluminum from the body and brain1-3.
Oral administration of nanoparticles of clinoptilolite
zeolite has not been shown to
facilitate elimination of aluminum in fact it has been shown that there is a
net release of dissolved aluminum in simulated human gastric fluid4.
Simulated ingestion of larger particles of clinoptilolite
zeolite has been shown to result in a net release of dissolved aluminum4
in spite of the proven ability of clinoptilolite zeolite to absorb aluminum5. Dissolved aluminum causes the accumulation of
aluminum in the brain6. This results in damage to neurons, since
aluminum is neurotoxic and has been found to be a causal factor in autism,
Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson’s disease 7. A higher than normal level of aluminum has
been found in the brains of people with all of these conditions and diseases8-13.
It is known that zeolites in acid, such as hydrochloric that
is found in the stomach, slowly dissolve releasing aluminum ions into solution14. It is also known that in the presence of
dicarboxylic acids (i.e. oxalic) or tricarboxylic acids (i.e. citric) that can
be found in the stomach and upper GI tract, aluminum dissolution from zeolites
is enhanced14. In addition, the smaller the size of the
zeolite particle (i.e. nanoparticles) the faster aluminum is dissolved from the
zeolite14. This is due to
the very high surface area to weight ratio of nanoparticles and the short
diffusion path within nanoparticles. Finally any free aluminum dissolved from
zeolite can be absorbed in the upper GI tract and go into the blood and
accumulate in the body and brain.
Large particles (45-75 micometer) of clinoptilolite zeolite
were subjected to simulated gastric fluid made from 0.1M hydrochloric acid and
3.2 mg per milliliter of pepsin with pH adjustment with 0.1N sodium hydroxide
to pH 2.0. The concentration of zeolite
was 3 grams per 100 milliliters. Controls were untreated clinoptilolite zeolite. After 1 hour at 37oC the zeolite
in each “gastric digested sample” and control was collected by centrifugation
and freeze-dried. Elemental analysis of
the control and gastric digested zeolites revealed on average a 3.8% decrease
in aluminum and a 1.3% decrease in silicon per gram of zeolite.
The researchers pointed out that this loss of material during gastric
digestion “might be related to the possible dissolution process of aluminosilicates
at the surface layer …”4. This
is disturbing because a 1 nanometer sized particle has over 10,000 times more
surface area than the large particles used in this study. Therefore it can
be predicted that even more aluminum will be dissolved in the stomach after
ingestion of nanoparticles. In addition,
even though clinoptilolite zeolites do remove some aluminum ions from solution5
there was a net release of dissolved aluminum during gastric digestion4.
Studies like this have recently convinced the FDA that
clinoptilolite zeolites should not
be generally regarded as safe (GRAS) when ingested in animal feed. In a May 4th 2018 letter from Dr.
David Edwards, the Director of the Division of Animal Feeds for the FDA, to a
producer of animal feed containing clinoptilolite zeolites, Dr. Edwards said their
animal feeds are not GRAS because the
use of clinoptilolite zeolites in animal feed “… could cause potential excess levels of aluminum … in some species”15.
Before anyone can say that zeolites are safe for human
ingestion they must test the zeolite for release of dissolved
aluminum at the pH of the stomach and upper GI tract for a time period that
reflects the zeolite’s residence time in these regions of the body.
This work should include added acidification
with di and tri carboxylic acids occasionally found in the stomach and upper GI
Until this work is peer reviewed and
published in a scientific journal, use of zeolites, such as clinoptilolite
zeolite nanoparticles, should not be recommended. Accumulation of zeolites in the body during long term use is
a health risk as dissolution of slowly accumulating zeolites will increase
aluminum exposure to organs of the body, such as the brain. This has been
observed in three groups of people: one taking no zeolites, one taking
6-10micron clinoptilolite zeolite particles orally for 1 to 3 years and one
taking these same zeolites for 6 to 13 years. Aluminum in their urine was
measured and compared. The conclusion is that zeolites accumulate in the body and
result in a constant dissolution of aluminum from the zeolite into the urine
with the amount of aluminum in urine being proportional to the number of years
ingesting zeolites16:

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12. Hirsch, E.C., et al.;
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14. Van Donk, S., et al.; Generation, characterization, and impact of
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15. Edwards, D.; FDA U.S. Food
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16. FROXIMUN F&E; Safety and
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