Neurons and Exercise

Neurons and Exercise

Monday, September 5, 2016

Chapter 1 Part 4 How does Aluminum get into our bodies and brains ?

How does aluminum get into our bodies and brains?
Aluminum salts began to be used as a food preservative in the mid-1880’s and that may be a reason why the first case of AD was discovered approximately 20 years later in 1907 by Doctor Alzheimer. The commercialization of aluminum salts, and products containing aluminum, has resulted in more aluminum being refined and made available every year. Currently we use aluminum in reduced metal, oxidized metal, and ionic chemical forms, such as salts. The ionic chemical forms of aluminum are neurotoxic. The reduced metal form of aluminum must be converted first by corrosion to the oxidized metal form and then by acidic conditions to the ionic form in order to become neurotoxic. The oxidized metal and ionic chemical forms of aluminum are found in a variety of pharmaceuticals, such as antacids, vaccines, food products, baking powder, drinking water, sunscreens, cosmetics, antiperspirants, astringents, and fertilizers. 
Because of the amount of drinking water we consume daily, any aluminum in drinking water presents an opportunity for its absorption and accumulation in the body.  The ionic form of aluminum is in drinking water due to acid-rain freeing bound aluminum from minerals in the ground, city water departments using alum to clarify drinking water, and mortar lined city water pipes leaching aluminum into drinking water. 
There appeared to be no connection between aluminum in drinking water and AD until the data were reevaluated in 1996.  This analysis revealed a correlation between aluminum in drinking water and AD when taking into consideration the concentration of fluoride and silicic acid as well as aluminum in the drinking water34.  Fluoride ions facilitate the transfer of aluminum across the blood-brain barrier increasing aluminum absorption in the brain35, while silicic acid facilitates aluminum removal from the blood by the kidneys decreasing aluminum absorption by the brain36-38.  Therefore, Watson, drinking water is a common way that aluminum is ingested, absorbed by our bodies, and accumulated in our brains and silicic acid slows this accumulation.
The three points of entry for aluminum into the body are oral ingestion, inhalation, and absorption through the skin.  We do not know which pathway was the major source of aluminum in the case of strange death.  Due to the lack of proper respiratory protection, we might assume that inhalation was the point of entry.  Inhaled aluminum can take a shortcut to the brain across the olfactory epithelium cells lining the nasal cavities and then diffusing through olfactory receptor neurons to enter the brain via both olfactory bulbs39-41.  Organic complexes of aluminum have been found to readily enter the brain via this pathway42. The other two pathways require that aluminum crosses the blood-brain barrier in order to enter the brain. Once in the brain, some of the aluminum stays there throughout life43 inhibiting numerous key enzymes and killing neurons44.      
Aluminum in the ionic form can form complexes with a wide variety of organic and inorganic ligands. Some of these complexes are optimal for absorption from the gastrointestinal track into the blood and others are optimal for crossing the blood brain barrier. Ionic aluminum is like a cloaked assassin using these ligands as disguises to cross two barriers: between the gut and blood and the blood and brain. The following organic ligands have an affinity for ionic aluminum and have been found to be present in the blood at the approximate concentrations indicated: citrate (ca. 250mM), pyroglutamate (ca. 180mM), glutamate (ca. 10mM), nucleotides ATP, ADP, and AMP (ca. 5mM), and transferrin (ca. 1mM)45.  In addition to these organic ligands there are inorganic ligands that also have an affinity for ionic aluminum including: fluoride, silicic acid, hydroxide, and phosphate. 
Transferrin receptors are more numerous in those areas of the brain that have the highest levels of aluminum accumulation46.  For this reason transferrin has been theorized to be the primary (i.e. 90%) transporter of aluminum to the brain43,47,48.  The problem with this theory is the molecular weight of the transferrin aluminum complex is four-fold higher than can be handled by the kidney’s glomerulus45.  This means that the rapid changes in urinary excretion of aluminum seen following exposure to aluminum can’t be accounted for with such a large transporter. The rest of the previously mentioned ligands result in aluminum complexes that are small enough to be handled by the glomerulus of the kidney and are therefore more likely to comprise aluminum’s cloak. But aluminum can change its disguise when reaching the blood-brain barrier and possibly transferrin is the best disguise for successfully crossing this barrier.
Watson had become agitated with worry.  He asked Holmes: “So how long will it take to get the aluminum I consumed at breakfast out of my body? “  Holmes’ answer was discouraging: “Once aluminum is ingested and absorbed 64% will be excreted during the first day but the rest will be slowly excreted and even after 50 years 4% of what you ingested with breakfast this morning will remain in some parts of your body43.”
As you can see Watson, aluminum has the means to get into the brain. But is aluminum normally found in the brain and is a higher level of aluminum in the brain associated with AD?
How much aluminum is in a normal brain?
It is calculated that the human brain accumulates aluminum at a rate of 10-70 billionths of a gram of aluminum per gram dry weight of brain per year during a lifetime.  This amount is consistent with the 0.4 to 5.6mcg aluminum per gram dry weight of brain as observed by autopsy of different regions of human brains after a normal lifetime of exposure to aluminum3,49.  It now appears likely that this slow aluminum accumulation may facilitate an increased incidence of a wide range of neurological diseases including AD50

Is there more aluminum in brains of those with AD?
Some people absorb and accumulate aluminum at higher rates than others and this may account for why some get AD earlier than others3,51. AD patients younger than 77 years old have a 64% greater gastrointestinal aluminum absorption rate than age-matched non-AD controls52.  However both AD and non-AD people over 77 have similar high rates of gastrointestinal aluminum absorption53.  These high rates of gastrointestinal absorption result in faster aluminum accumulation in elderly brains as compared with middle-age brains28,29. Also aluminum in the brain is not uniformly distributed.  In the elderly, aluminum is highest in the hippocampus (5.6mcg per gram dry wt. of brain) and lowest in the corpus callosum (1.5mcg per gram dry wt. of brain)49.     
A meta-analysis of published studies involving 1,208 participants, including 613 AD patients, revealed that aluminum is significantly higher in brains, serum, and cerebrospinal fluid of AD patients compared with non-AD participants54.
Therefore Watson, aluminum as the “cloaked assassin” has the means to get into the brain. But does it have the motive or biochemical motivation to cause mitochondrial disease, a clinical symptom of AD? 
How does aluminum cause mitochondrial disease?
Mitochondrial disease occurs when the mitochondria of the cell fail to produce enough energy for cell or organ function. This neuro-metabolic dysfunction has been theorized to be a factor in the causation of AD55. But it is hard to tell the difference between a cause and a symptom of a disease.  Watson, here is why aluminum is the cause of mitochondrial disease and mitochondrial disease is not a cause but a symptom of AD.
Mitochondria are membrane bound organelles inside brain and muscle cells that produce stored energy in the form of ATP generated by combining oxygen with nutrients in food. The brain normally consumes 30% of the total energy produced from these nutrients by the body. This process is called bioenergetics and it requires using nutrients, such as sugar, to make ATP in a series of steps called the Krebs cycle (a.k.a. TCA cycle).  Aluminum lowers the amount and activity of several Krebs cycle enzymes involved in ATP production56,57. So aluminum lowers the efficiency of ATP production in brain.  This lowers the amount of energy available to the brain resulting in mitochondrial disease. 
Aluminum facilitates the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by glial cells in the brain that are toxic to mitochondria and neurons58. Aluminum also inhibits two enzymes in the Krebs cycle that are involved in NADH production56,57.  NADH is used in the body for making reduced-glutathione59. Reduced-glutathione reduces cofactors in the body, such as pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ), that in turn reduce the reactive oxygen species (ROS) that are harmful to mitochondria and neurons. The inhibition of NADH production by aluminum decreases reduced-glutathione levels allowing ROS to harm mitochondria and neurons resulting in mitochondrial disease60.
Therefore Watson, aluminum can cause mitochondrial disease by decreasing ATP production, increasing ROS production, and preventing cofactors, such as PQQ, from protecting the mitochondria from oxidative harm by ROS.
How does aluminum impair memory?
Some parts of the brain are more prone to absorb aluminum than others, possibly due to some cells having more transferrin receptors46.  The main aluminum-affected brain regions in humans, rats, and rabbits exposed to aluminum in their diet include the entorhinal cortex (EC), hippocampus, and locus coeruleus (LC).  The EC and the hippocampal regions (e.g. CA1 pyramidal cell layer) are the regions with most absorbed aluminum in rats chronically exposed to aluminum in their diet44. These are also regions of the brain most vulnerable to NFT formation and neuronal death in AD61.  In fact the EC is the first area of the brain to be affected by AD62

The entorhinal cortex (EC) is a neuronal hub linking the hippocampus with the neocortex.  The hippocampus plays a key role in declarative memories such as autobiographical, episodic, and semantic memory and spatial memories including memory formation and consolidation and memory evolution during sleep.  The neocortex is involved with sensory stimuli, generation of motor commands, spatial reasoning, conscious thought, and language.  A region of the EC (e.g. layer III) is connected to all regions of the hippocampal formation including the dentate gyrus, all CA regions, including the CA1 pyramidal cell layer, and subiculum. These connections are called the perforant pathway.  Surgical destruction of the perforant pathway in rats results in memory impairment44 and surgical destruction of the perforant pathway in humans results in impairment of short term memory63.  Aluminum in the diets of rats results in both lesions in the perforant pathway and in memory impairment44.  Therefore Watson, aluminum, like a surgeon’s knife, can cause short term memory loss.